Draft List

The Project Draft List shows the Study Drafts which have been created for this Project.

The "Import Source?" column shows whether a Draft has been set to allow objects from it to be imported into other drafts. If this is set to False then users who can view this draft cannot import objects from it (such as Forms etc).

The Draft List page also allows users with permissions to:

  • Create a new (blank) Draft

  • Upload a Draft from an Architect Loader Spreadsheet (ALS) which was previously downloaded from Rave Architect

  • Import a Draft directly from Medidata Rave using either Medidata Rave or iMedidata user credentials

  • Create a Draft populated from a Library by applying Standard Rules.

  • Delete existing Drafts if they are not Libraries in use by other drafts

  • Create a copy of a Draft. Copies of all the Draft objects (Forms, Dictionaries, etc) will be created in the new Draft. The new Draft will not be locked (even if the original was locked) and will not have any Draft Approvals.


Drafts which are deleted are not immediately removed from the TrialGrid system, they are hidden from users and removed from the Database after 30 days. Users may request TrialGrid Ltd to restore a deleted Draft within that 30 day period.