Module : Permissions
Issue |
Type |
TrialGrid Version |
Description |
3986 |
Feature |
72 |
There is now a URL level permission to manage users. Users which have this permission can see all Projects within the URL and can invite and remove users from those Projects. |
3909 |
Bug |
69 |
Revoke approval was not shown in drop down list on Draft home page if user was the Project Owner or URL manager. This was corrected. |
3763 |
Feature |
67 |
It is now possible to filter the Organization team page by active status. |
3764 |
Feature |
67 |
The Organization team page now shows if inactive users have an open or expired project invitation. |
3804 |
Bug |
66.1 |
There was a javascript error if a user edited a URL Project Role, left the page and then edited the URL Project Role again. This has been corrected. The user would not have seen this javascript error. |
3735 |
Feature |
65 |
Unique employee ID can now be viewed and edited in the user page accessed from the Organization level user listing. A unique employee ID is used by some organizations as a stable identifier for users where name and email address of users could change. |
3738 |
Feature |
65 |
When clicking on an activity description for a user change, if the user performing the action is an organization super user then they will be taken to the edit page for that user record. If not, the user will see a message that they do not have permission to edit that user record. |
3655 |
Feature |
64 |
The URL Team page now includes buttons to select all or no URL permissions for a user. |
3671 |
Bug |
62.2 |
Users who had the organization superuser permission could not add new URLs due to an error. This has been corrected. |
3053 |
Feature |
61 |
Users who are organization super users can now manage some user details for users in their organization. |
3022 |
Feature |
61 |
Users who are organization super users can now view a list of users in their organization. |
3536 |
Bug |
58 |
When a url has no manager user, no user could be removed from any other URL for the organization because a warning showed that no user can manage the URL with no manager. This was corrected. |
1039 |
Feature |
57 |
The pop-up for the listing of users with a particular role has been moved to a tab on the Role editing page. The pop up did not work well where there were hundreds of users with that role. This listing is useful for checking that nobody has a role you didn't expect them to have. |
3433 |
Bug |
56 |
In the URL Teams list the sub-table of user projects was limited to 10 entries. This has now been set to 1000 entries. |
3354 |
Feature |
51 |
User can now be configured by TrialGrid to be Organization superusers, who will automatically have all URL permissions for URLs within an Organzation. Please contact to configure this setting. |
3324 |
Feature |
50 |
When inviting existing users to a project the invitation now includes a link direct to the project (the user will be directed to log in before the project can be viewed). |
3211 |
Bug |
47 |
If a project was created with no owner set, the project owner was automatically set to the user who created it. This was changed. Be aware that users can now create project which they are not allowed to view if they have create project permission but do not set the owner to themselves, do not have Manage URL permission and the Project is not set to allow all users in the URL to view the project. |
2995 |
Feature |
44 |
There is now a URL-level permission to control who can edit property sheets defined for the URL. |
2982 |
Bug |
43 |
When inviting users, if a user already existed in the system but was inactive, a new account was created for the invitation with a username of the email with a 1 added (e.g. someone@example.com1) . It was expected that the existing user would receive the invite with no new account created. This was corrected. |
2910 |
Bug |
41 |
When inviting a new user if the email address entered matches the username of an existing user, the invitation fails with an error. This was corrected. |
2834 |
Feature |
40 |
When a user is invited and their email address domain is linked to an SSO provider, the user activates their account by logging in via SSO. |
2838 |
Feature |
40 |
When a user logs in via SSO the provider may send over additional attributes of the user such as last name and first name. If the system detects attributes which could be translated as "firstname" or "lastname" by removing spaces and underscores and putting identifier to lower case then these attributes of the user profile will also be updated on login. |
2785 |
Bug |
39 |
If a user was the Owner of a Project and also had a Project Role assigned, then the user did not appear in the Project Team list. This has been corrected. |
2107 |
Feature |
37 |
When removing a user from a URL, you can choose to remove the user from all URLs in your organization, and you can choose to inactivate their user account. |
1576 |
Feature |
37 |
There is a new permission 'Copy Diagnostics' which is required to be able to import Diagnostics configurations into a Project. The existing 'Manage Diagnostics' permission is required to modify the copied configuration. 'Manage Diagnostics' permission does not include permission to copy. All existing User Roles which included 'Manage Diagnostics' have been automatically updated to include 'Copy Diagnostics'. |
2732 |
Feature |
37 |
There is a new permission 'Run Diagnostics' which is required to be able to run Diagnostics for a Draft. All existing User Roles which included 'Manage Diagnostics' have been automatically updated to include 'Run Diagnostics'. |
2733 |
Feature |
37 |
There is a new permission 'Fix Diagnostics' which is required to be able to fix Diagnostic findings. All existing User Roles which included 'Manage Diagnostics' and 'Edit Objects' have been automatically updated to include 'Fix Diagnostics'. |
2624 |
Feature |
35 |
The Project Roles page now displayed roles in alphanumeric order. |
2454 |
Feature |
32 |
Project Lists now show the users Role in that project (if any) and whether the user is the Project Owner. |
2269 |
Feature |
23 |
Users with Create URL permission for an organization can now see other URLs for that Organization in the URL list. |
2253 |
Bug |
23 |
Multiple users could not be assigned to the same Organization. This was corrected. |
2230 |
Feature |
23 |
Users can now be associated with Organizations. An Organization may have many URLs. |
2234 |
Feature |
23 |
When a user creates a URL they are given all URL level permissions in addition to being set to manager for that URL |
624 |
Feature |
22 |
A Delete Project permission was added to the URL teams page. |
2184 |
Feature |
22 |
URL Managers may delete Projects. |
2185 |
Feature |
22 |
To Delete a Library Project a user must have URL Manager permission or Delete Library permission at the URL level. A Delete Library permission was added to the URL teams page. |
1697 |
Feature |
22 |
TrialGrid staff users can now delete any project. |
2194 |
Feature |
22 |
It is no longer possible to delete a Project if it is a library which contains a draft being used as a library source. |
469 |
Feature |
21 |
Project and Library Drafts can now be locked to prevent further changes to Draft objects. The 'Lock Draft' user role permission is required to lock, or unlock a Draft. |
1892 |
Feature |
19 |
URL Managers are now able to invite users to a Project, even if they do not have an assigned role in the Project and are not the Project Owner. |
1951 |
Bug |
18 |
When a user who did not have Library Management permission changed an attribute of a Project such as adding a label then the Is Library checkbox would be unchecked. This was corrected. |
1952 |
Feature |
18 |
Users who do not have Library Management permission cannot change the Is Library checkbox in the Project Settings (documenting requirement) |
1694 |
Feature |
16 |
TrialGrid Super users can now always manage teams in a URL (previously they had to have a role in the URL) |
1590 |
Bug |
16 |
If the owner of a Project was assigned a Project Role and then that role was removed from the owner, the Owner lost the permission to view the Project. This was corrected. This issue did not affect all pages under the draft (mostly just ones related to Diagnostics) this was due to differences in the ways these pages checked permissions. This was also fixed. |
1591 |
Feature |
16 |
If a user can view a project in a URL they can also view the URL level information. For security only users with Manage Team permission may now view the URL Level Team page since this shows all users and their permissions. |
1592 |
Feature |
16 |
Users who do not have Manage Team permission no longer see the URL Team Members card on the URL home page. |
1609 |
Feature |
16 |
When I have "manager" permission at the URL level I can see all projects in that URL. |
1611 |
Feature |
16 |
Users who have view access to a Project are now able to view the settings for a project. |
1613 |
Feature |
16 |
A project cannot be set to be owned by a user who has not yet activated their TrialGrid account. |
1614 |
Bug |
16 |
Project owners were unable to invite new users to the Project or remove users from a Project. This was corrected. |
1616 |
Feature |
16 |
When a user is not able to view the URL Team then they no longer see the breadcrumb link to the team page. |
1603 |
Bug |
16 |
If a user attempts to delete a Project from the Project List when they do not have permission to do so, no deletion happens but no error message is shown. This was corrected. |
1569 |
Bug |
16 |
In the URL Team list, users with Manager permission would only see users related to Projects which they themselves had access to. Users with Manager URL permission now see all useres in all Projects in the URL. |
1545 |
Bug |
16 |
It is no longer possible to assign tickets to users who are invited but not yet active in the system. |
1546 |
Bug |
16 |
It is no longer possible to reference users who are invited but not yet active in the system in comments. |
1451 |
Bug |
15 |
When removing a user from a URL, if the user has owner permission for a project but no other project role, they retained their permission to view/edit the project. This was fixed. |
1108 |
Feature |
14 |
The URL Teams page now has a button to remove a user entirely from a URL. Previously a user would be removed from the URL when they were removed from their last project in that URL (so if they only had one Project and it was removed, so were they). A new button in the URL Team page is now the only way a user is permanently removed from all projects and the URL. |
1258 |
Feature |
14 |
The URL Teams page "Teams" permission has been renamed "Manager" since this represents the master permission to change any of the other permissions for users. |
1240 |
Feature |
14 |
Object lists now show a 'View' button if a user does not have access rights to edit or delete. |
1126 |
Bug |
13 |
Owners of Projects were not able to assign themselves to Tickets. This was fixed. |
1039 |
Feature |
11 |
On the URL Roles page a count of users assigned to each role is provided. This actually showed the counts of user/project combinations assigned to that role so if a user had that role in 10 projects the count would show 10, not 1 user. This was changed to show the unique count of users in the URL with that role. |
931 |
Feature |
9 |
When hovering the mouse over a Permission in the Project Permissions definitions lists, a description of the Permission is now shown as a pop-up hint. |
903 |
Feature |
9 |
All URL Users Can View setting for Projects is now shown in the Project List. |
904 |
Feature |
9 |
Project Owner Setting in New Project / Project Edit page is now marked with * since a Project must have an owner. |
905 |
Feature |
9 |
When a Project is marked as "All URL Users Can View" any user with the ability to import objects (Forms, Edit Checks etc) in that URL can import from that Project - even if they do not have a Project role in that Project. This is useful for Standard Library Projects to allow all users in the URL to import objects from the Library without being invited to that Project. |
906 |
Feature |
9 |
Users now have all permissions within Projects that they own. If a user is a Project Owner and also has been assigned a Project Role within a Project, their owner rights take precedence. Users no longer need to be invited to projects they own. |
907 |
Feature |
9 |
There is now a separate Project-level permission for managing of Files in a Project. |
149 |
Feature |
7 |
Autocomplete has been added to the Add Project Team page (previously called Invite Project Team). Typing '@' will display a list of users with access to that URL, typing more characters will filter the list. |
717 |
Feature |
7 |
A new permission has been added to control which users can create standard Library projects. |
271 |
Feature |
7 |
A new permission has been added to control which users can create, edit and delete Custom Function Templates. |
319 |
Feature |
7 |
A new permission has been added to control which users can change the Core Configuration of a URL. |
848 |
Feature |
7 |
A new permission has been added to control which users can create, edit and delete Labels. |
849 |
Feature |
7 |
A new permission has been added to control which users can manage Roles and Teams. |
881 |
Feature |
7 |
A new Project Role permission has been added to control which users can edit Project Wiki Pages. |
882 |
Feature |
7 |
Projects have a new property 'All URL users can view'. When set to true (checked) all users who have access to that URL can view that Project. When not set, only users who have been added to that Project with a Project Role can access that Project. |
883 |
Feature |
7 |
Projects now have an 'Owner', a User who can add new Team Members and manage their Project Role assignments. |
722 |
Feature |
6 |
Permission to add or delete Rave URLs is now limited to system administrators. |
650 |
Feature |
6 |
Users currently active role for a Project is displayed in the user information drop down on every page and acts as a link to the definition of the role at the URL level. |
674 |
Feature |
6 |
Users may now Label Draft objects if they have Labelling permission (the same permission allows users to remove Labels) |
641 |
Feature |
4 |
A new Project Level permission (Edit Objects) was introduced which controls whether users may add, edit or delete objects in a Draft. |
652 |
Feature |
4 |
When a user with no Standards Compliance workflow permissions opens the Explain dialog a warning is shown that the user has no permissions to change the state of the Explanation. |
653 |
Feature |
4 |
Only users with Create Draft permission are now able to edit Draft properties. |
142 |
Feature |
2 |
If a user was invited to a study and their invitation expired then there was no way to re-invite that user except to remove them from the study team and then re-add them as a user. The system now provides a re-invite option. |
485 |
Bug |
2 |
Adding a user to a team, removing them and adding them again causes system to error. This was fixed. |
424 |
Bug |
1 |
If a user has not accepted a project invite (i.e. set up their account) then subsequent invites ask them to log in instead of creating the account - this was fixed so that the user receives a new request to set up their account' |
366 |
Feature |
1 |
If a user has Standards Approval Permission in any URL, they should see a count of Approval Requests on their home page. |
303 |
Feature |
1 |
There should be a permission to control whether a user can create a new Draft in a Project |
249 |
Feature |
1 |
View list of users per Project at the URL level without having to look into every Project to find users. |
2449 |
Feature |
1 |
Project Team members can now be removed from the Project Team list. |
2447 |
Feature |
1 |
A count of project team members now appears on the Project page. |
2448 |
Feature |
1 |
A listing of project team members can now be accessed from the Project page. |