Project Files and Folders

A project may have Files associated with it such as Protocol documents and specifications. TrialGrid provides a simple file manager for the upload, storage and management of Files into Folders. Files can be arranged into Folders and Folders can be nested within each other.

Adding Files

Files can be added to the Project by:

  1. Dragging Files from the filesystem to the drag target area at the top of the Files section. This will upload the Files and add them to the root folder.

  2. Clicking the "Upload File" button in the header of the Files area. This opens a dialog to select the File to upload. The uploaded File will be added to the root Folder.

  3. Click the "Upload File" button on a Folder line. This opens a dialog to select the File to upload as a child of that Folder.

Moving Files and Folders

Files and Folders can be moved between Folders by dragging them from their original Folder in the tree and dropping them onto their new Folder.

When a Folder is dragged to a new location, all its contained Files and Folders are also moved to the new location.

If a File or Folder is dragged onto the headings of the File table then that File or Folder is moved to the root Folder of the tree.

Adding Folders

Folders can be added to the Project by:

  1. Clicking the "New Folder" button in the header of the Files section. This adds a new Folder to the root Folder.

  2. Clicking the "New Folder" button on a Folder line of the tree. The "New Folder" button is a drop-down option of the "Upload File" action button on the folder line. A new Folder is added as a child of the selected Folder.

Renaming Files and Folders

Files and Folders can be renamed by double-clicking their names in the tree or by selecting the "Rename" button from the File or Folder line of the File tree.

Deleting Files and Folders

Files and Folders may be deleted by selecting "Delete" from the action button of the File or Folder line of the tree.


Deleting a Folder deletes all Files and Folders contained in that Folder. Deleted Files and Folders are removed from the system and cannot be recovered.

Making Files Public

By default all files are private - only logged in users with at read only access to the Project may view or download the files. However, files may be made public by users with the Publish Files permission.

When a file is made public a button appears in the listing which allows the URL to that file to be copied to the clipboard. This URL can be used to view the file by anybody with the URL. This makes it especially useful for purposes such as CRF Completion Guidelines which are linked in Medidata Rave Form and Field help.


The URL for the file is made up of the TrialGrid URL name, the Project Name, the folders in which the file exists and the file name. If you change any of these the public URL will change

Files which are public can be made private again.