User Profile

The user profile page allows the user to change their name (Firstname, Lastname), set a profile picture, default numer of rows in table views and whether or not to receive email notifications.

See also

Our Privacy Policy outlines what Personally Identifying information we collect from you and why.


If you log in via Single Sign On your FirstName and LastName attributes may be automatically set on each login if your Single Sign On system is configured to send these attributes to TrialGrid.


A user may be associated with an Organization signifiying that they are an employee of that Organization. If a user has been associated with an Organization they may also be assigned permission to create URLs by TrialGrid Ltd staff.

A User who is associated with an organization and has been granted permission to create URLs for that Organization is able to see all URLs for that organization in the list of URLs but will not be able to view their content unless they have a role in that URL. This helps the user to avoid trying to create duplicate URLs whose names must be unique within an organization.

Profile Pictures / Avatars

Users are assigned a default "blank" icon which does not display in any listings of the system but can change their profile to any picture uploaded from their own computer.


Any uploaded image is resized to a square shape. Aspect ratio is not maintained so for best results upload an image of at least 400x400 pixels but with equal height and width. .png / .gif and .jpg image types are supported.

Users may also select an Avatar from a set of unique images generated from their username or may elect to have no Avatar at all by selecting a "blank" avatar icon.


Default Page Size

Normally listings in the system show 20 rows per page. This option allows the user to set their default rows-per-page size. Users can also change the listing size on a per-page basis and the system will store that selection in the users browser. This allows the user to set a default page size (say 50 rows) but to change the page size for a particular Edit Check listing in a draft.


Custom-per-listing settings are stored in the browser and will be cleared if the browser cache is cleared and not available if the user logs in using a different browser.

Receive Alert Notifications by Email

When checked (the default) users will receive system notifications via email. Notifications are sent for actions like standards management review requests and when a user is mentioned in a comment. When unchecked the user will not receive these notifications by email.

Change Password

The user profile page provides change password functionality.


If you log in via Single Sign On you cannot change your password on this page. All password management should be performed in your company Single Sign On System.