Uploading Test Data

Test Cases can be created by uploading a file containing test data for one or more subjects.

An upload name can be entered and this will be added to the name of the created Test Cases. If no upload name is entered the name of the file will be used.

Example Upload File

367|001|SCREEN|0|DM|0|SEX|0|M|||Comment: CodedValue of dictionary field

One Test Case will be created for each subject in the file using the selected EDC Role:

 1 Feature: Subject 001
 2   Scenario: Check Actions are run
 3     Given I am logged in with role "Investigator"
 4     And I create a subject named "001" at site "67"
 5     When I enter and save data:
 6       | DataPoint          | Value | Unit | Specify |
 7       | SCREEN.DM.AGE[0]   | 30    |      |         |
 8       | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]   | MALE  |      |         |
 9     When I enter and save data:
10       | DataPoint          | Value | Unit | Specify |
11       | SCREEN.IE.INC[1]   | YES   |      |         |
12     When I enter and save data:
13       | DataPoint          | Value | Unit | Specify |
14       | SCREEN.IE.INC[2]   | YES   |      |         |
1 Feature: Subject 002
2   Scenario: Check Actions are run
3     Given I am logged in with role "Investigator"
4     And I create a subject named "002" at site "67"
5     When I enter and save data:
6       | DataPoint          | Value  | Unit | Specify |
7       | SCREEN.DM.AGE[0]   | 35     |      |         |
8       | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]   | FEMALE |      |         |

When the Test Cases are run each record will be entered into Medidata Rave in the order specified. In the first example example the DM form, which has only standard, non-log, fields will be entered and saved and then log record 1 of the IE form will be entered and saved followed by log record 2.

Order of data entry

Data should be ordered so that form dynamics (field visibility, adding/merging matrices, adding forms, etc) are triggered in the correct order.

When the Folder, Folder Repeat, Form, Form Repeat or Record Position changes in the input file TrialGrid will automatically create a new 'enter and save data' step.

A line containing only the subject name but no other values can be used to force separate entry of data, for example if a Field is made visible by entry of data into another Field on the same Form:

 1 Feature: Subject 001
 2   Scenario: Check Actions are run
 3     Given I am logged in with role "Investigator"
 4     And I create a subject named "001" at site "67"
 5     When I enter and save data:
 6       | DataPoint          | Value  | Unit | Specify |
 7       | SCREEN.DM.AGE[0]   | 30     |      |         |
 8       | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]   | FEMALE |      |         |
 9     When I enter and save data:
10       | DataPoint          | Value | Unit | Specify |
11       | SCREEN.DM.PREG[0]  | NO    |      |         |

Upload File Format

The file format for uploading test data must be:

  • pipe-delimited (the pipe character '|' cannot be entered into Medidata Rave and is therefore a good choice of delimiter for Medidata Rave data)

  • 12 columns on each row

  • 1 header row containing column names:


The columns must be:

  • SITE: optional, the Site Number in Rave. This will not be validated on import. If not specified the Site must be entered when running the Test Case (as with other Automated Tests).

  • SUBJECT: the name of the subject to be created in Rave, between 1 and 50 characters

  • FOLDER: the OID of the Folder.

  • FOLDER_REPEAT: the repeat number of the Folder, starting at 0

  • FORM: the OID of the Form

  • FORM_REPEAT: the repeat number of the Form, starting at 0

  • FIELD: the OID of the Field

  • RECORD_POSITION: the record position of the Field. 0 for standard Fields, 1 or higher for log Fields

  • VALUE: the data value to be entered.

  • UNIT: optional, the Coded Unit for fields with an associated Unit Dictionary.

  • SPECIFY: optional, the value entered when a Specify Data Dictionary entry has been selected.

  • COMMENT: optional, free text which can be added to the file to be uploaded for information about the contents of a row. The comment will not appear in the Test Case(s).


Folders with parent Folders can be entered - only the child Folder OID should be specified. Rave will automatically create the parent Folder.


The value may contain single and/or double quotes. Line breaks should be represented as 'n'.

267|001|AE_FOLDER|0|AE|0|AETERM|0|Patient's back\nwas sore|||


If the Field has an associated Data Dictionary the Coded Value should be included. Note that TrialGrid will convert this to the User Data String in the Test Case:

1 Feature: Subject 001
2   Scenario: Check Actions are run
3     Given I am logged in with role "Investigator"
4     And I create a subject named "001" at site "67"
5     When I enter and save data:
6       | DataPoint          | Value  | Unit | Specify |
7       | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]   | MALE   |      |         |