Project Test Configuration

Each Project has a configuration for Automated Tests and the Test Case Advisor. The configuration settings will have default values which can be modified but are not required to change, unless Medidata Rave EDC (RaveX) is being tested in which case an additional Project Configuration step is required.

The Project Test configurations can be viewed and edited by navigating to the Project home page and clicking the 'Edit' button.

Automated Test Configuration

These settings are used when TrialGrid runs Test Cases.

Default settings for running Test Cases

These settings are optional. They provide default values when Test Cases are run, see Running Test Cases.

  1. The Rave Classic URL, e.g.

  2. The Study in Rave. This is defaulted to the Project name but can be changed.

  3. For Rave EDC URLs the Protocol ID is required.

  4. The Environment for the Study (e.g. DEV or FUNCTEST).

  5. For Rave EDC URLs the Environment Name for the Study (e.g. Development or Functional Testing).

  6. The Site Number where test subjects will be created


Medidata Rave Environment names are case-sensitive, e.g. Medidata Rave will allow 'Dev' and 'DEV' as separate environments. The correct case must be used when running TrialGrid Test Cases.


TrialGrid will allow you to run tests against the Production environment if you enter Prod as the Environment. It is advised not to provide the User Accounts provided to TrialGrid for Automated Testing with access to the Prod environment unless you really know what you are doing.



This setting should only be used for TG_UAT draft version 18 or lower. For TG_UAT draft versions greater than 18 this setting should be left blank.

When testing Rave EDC the iMedidata URL will default to production iMedidata but can optionally be changed in this setting.

  1. iMedidata URL. or

TG_UAT configuration


These setting should only be used for TG_UAT draft version 18 or lower. For TG_UAT draft versions greater than 18 these setting should be left blank.

These settings should match the Medidata Rave URL Configuration created in the initial URL Configuration for Automated Tests, see Initial Setup for Automated Testing.

Test Advisor Configuration

These settings are used when the TrialGrid Test Case Advisor suggests Test Cases and the Test Data Advisor suggests Test data.

  1. Default Role. The Medidata Rave EDC Role which will be used in the log in step.

  2. Subject Name Format. See Test Case Subjects

  3. Default Unknown Day. Used when suggesting Test Cases for an Edit Check with a Field with a partial date format.

  4. Default Unknown Month. Used when suggesting Test Cases for an Edit Check with a Field with a partial date format.

  5. Default Unknown Year. Used when suggesting Test Cases for an Edit Check with a Field with a partial date format.

  6. Instructions. see Test Advisor Instructions.