Automated Testing Step Reference

This page lists the command steps which can be used in Test Cases.

Given steps

Given.. steps are used to set up the conditions for a test scenario. At a minimum the test scenario must have some kind of user login and create or select a subject to work with. The When... steps then perform some action which the Then steps check for completion.

Given I activate record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

Given I activate record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step will activate or add a Log Record. If the Log Record is already active then this step will fail.

Given I add event "{matrix}"


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given I add event "SCREENING"

This step performs a Rave 'Add Event' action, i.e. adding a Matrix to the test subject. The Matrix must be set to be Addable.

Given I add folder "{folder_oid}" to folder "{folder}"


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given I add folder "VISIT" to folder "UNSCH"

This step adds a Folder within another Folder. See also I add folder to the subject


If the same Folder already exists inside the parent Folder then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a folder exists.

Given I add folder "{folder_oid}" to the subject


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given I add folder "VISIT" to the subject

This step adds a Folder at the Subject level. See also I add folder to folder


If the same Folder already exists at the Subject level then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a folder exists.

Given I add form "{form}" to folder "{folder}"


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given I add form "VISIT" to folder "UNSCH"

This step adds a Form within a Folder instance. See also I add form to the subject


If the same Form already exists within the parent Folder then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a form exists.

Given I add form "{form}" to the subject


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given I add form "VISIT" to the subject

This step adds a Form at the Subject level. See also I add form to folder


If the same Form already exists at the Subject level then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a form exists.

Given I am logged in with role "{role}"

Given I am logged in with role "Investigator"

Used at the start of a Scenario, or as part of the Feature Background to log into Medidata Rave with user credentials for a user of this EDC Role type. The credentials (username/password) are provided by the user for the role at execution time along with which Medidata Rave URL, Study and Environment to run the test on.

Given I assign {lab_type} lab "{lab_name}" to form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

Given I assign Central lab "TG_LABS" to form "PREGNANCY" in folder "SCREENING"

This step assigns a Rave Central or Local Lab to a form. If the Lab Name contains a double quote character you should prefix it with a backslash: I assign Central lab "TG\"S LAB" to form "PREGNANCY" in folder "SCREENING"

Given I create a subject

Given I create a subject

Similar to Given a subject exists, this step will create a subject using the name of the Test Case and the date/time that the step was executed if that subject does not already exist. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I create a subject named "{subject_name}"

Given I create a subject named "TEST1"

This step will create a subject with the specified name. If an active subject already exists with this name this step will fail. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I create a subject named "{subject_name}" at site "{study_site}"

Given I create a subject named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

This step will create a subject with the specified name in the Site Number specified. If an active subject already exists with this name this step will fail. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I create or select the subject named "{subject_name}"

Given I create or select the subject named "TEST1"

Will select an active subject with the given name, or if one does not exist will create it. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I create or select the subject named "{subject_name}" at site "{site}"

Given I create or select the subject named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

Will select an active subject with the given name or if one does not exist will create a subject in the Site Number specified. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I enter data on the open form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Enter data into fields on the open form, without saving the form

Given I fail

Given I fail

This is a special Step definition which can be used in a Given, When or Then step. It stops the execution of the test immediately with a failure message. It can be useful for debugging a test. A test with this step is valid but it will always fail.

Given I inactivate all subjects


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given I inactivate all subjects

This step will inactivate ALL existing subjects which are in the Project, Environment and Site Number selected for the Test Set Run.


This step cannot be run against a production Rave environment.

Given I inactivate all subjects at site "{study_site}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given I inactivate all subjects at site "LDN01"

This step will inactivate ALL existing subjects which are in the Project, Environment selected for the Test Set Run and the Site Number specified in the step.


This step cannot be run against a production Rave environment.

Given I inactivate all subjects named "{subject_name}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given I inactivate all subjects named "TEST1"

This step will inactivate any existing subjects with the given subject name which are in the Project, Environment and Site Number selected for the Test Set Run.

Given I inactivate all subjects named "{subject_name}" at site "{study_site}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given I inactivate all subjects named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

This step will inactivate any existing subjects with the given subject name which are in the Project, Environment selected for the Test Set Run and the Site Number specified in the step.

Given I inactivate record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

Given I inactivate record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step will inactivate a Log Record. If the Log Record is already inactive then this step will fail.

Given I open URL "{url}"

Given I open URL ""

Opens the specified URL in the browser which is running the Test Case. The URL should start with a valid HTTP protocol, e.g. https:// or http://

Given I open the primary form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Opens the primary form for a subject which has already been created

Given I open the primary form to add a subject


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |
Opens the primary form. This step does not enter data on the primary form and does not actually

create a subject

Given I select the subject named "{subject_name}"

Given I select the subject named "TEST1"

This step will find an active subject in Medidata Rave with the given name. Note that a warning will be logged if more than one existing subject with the specified name is found and the most recently created subject will be selected. The step will fail if no active subject exists in Rave with that name. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given I take screenshots with Rave EDC role "{edc_role}"


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I take screenshots with Rave EDC role "Data Manager"

This step will change the user role in Rave EDC. If a user account has multiple roles in Rave EDC then a specific role can be selected for taking screenshots.

If the user account has only one role, or the role is not important, then this step is not required.

This step is not required for testing against Rave Classic.

Given I use a page size of {page_size} records

Given I use a page size of 10 records

This is a special Step definition which can be used in a Given or When step. It sets the 'per page' setting on each page visited. This step should only be used when testing Rave EDC and is mainly for use in testing TrialGrid.

Given I wait for field "{field}" to be not visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be not visible.


This step will wait for a default time for the field to be not visible in Rave. If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use this step.

Given I wait for field "{field}" to be visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to become visible. .. note:: This step will wait for a default time for the field to be visible in Rave.

If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use this step.

Given I wait up to {seconds} seconds for field "{field}" to be not visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be not visible.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the field to be not visible in Rave. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also this step step.

Given I wait up to {seconds} seconds for field "{field}" to be visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Given I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be visible.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the field to be visible in Rave. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also this step step.

Given I wait {seconds} seconds

Given I wait 10 seconds

This step pauses execution of the step for the specified number of seconds, which can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used.

Given a subject exists

Given a subject exists

This step will create a subject in Medidata Rave. The naming convention for the new Subject is the name of the Test Case and the date/time that the step was executed. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

Given all folders and forms in matrix "{matrix}" exist


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Given all folders and forms in matrix "SCREENING" exist

This step ensures that all Folders/Forms in the matrix exist in the current subject. The matrix does not need to be addable.

Given folder "{folder}" exists


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given folder "SCREENING" exists

This step ensures that a Folder exists in the current subject with this OID. If the Folder does not exist, it will be created. If the Folder has a Parent Folder then we recommend using I add folder to the subject or I add folder to folder

Given form "{form}" exists in folder "{folder}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

Given form "PREGNANCY" exists in folder "SCREENING"

This step ensures that a Form exists in the current subject. If the Form does not exist, it will be created.

Given the following data exists

Given the following data exists
      | DataPoint            | Value   |
      | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Female  |
      | VISIT.VS[1].SYSBP[0] | 121     |
      | VISIT.VS[1].DIABP[0] | 90      |

Identical to the When I enter data step but "Given the following data exists" is a more natural expression in the setup of tests.

When steps

When.. steps are used to perform actions which are then checked by the Then.. steps. You will often see that a step can be performed as a Given.. or as a When... step. You should use the Given.. variant when the step is important to the setup and the When.. to perform the action that is then being tested. i.e. the When.. is what the test is doing to provoke the action to be tested.

When I activate record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

When I activate record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step will activate or add a Log Record. If the Log Record is already active then this step will fail.

When I add event "{matrix}"


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I add event "SCREENING"

This step performs a Rave 'Add Event' action, i.e. adding a Matrix to the test subject. The Matrix must be set to be Addable.

When I add folder "{folder_oid}" to folder "{folder}"


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I add folder "VISIT" to folder "UNSCH"

This step adds a Folder within another Folder. See also I add folder to the subject


If the same Folder already exists inside the parent Folder then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a folder exists.

When I add folder "{folder_oid}" to the subject


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I add folder "VISIT" to the subject

This step adds a Folder at the Subject level. See also I add folder to folder


If the same Folder already exists at the Subject level then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a folder exists.

When I add form "{form}" to folder "{folder}"


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I add form "VISIT" to folder "UNSCH"

This step adds a Form within a Folder instance. See also I add form to the subject


If the same Form already exists within the parent Folder then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a form exists.

When I add form "{form}" to the subject


This step requires version 8 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I add form "VISIT" to the subject

This step adds a Form at the Subject level. See also I add form to folder


If the same Form already exists at the Subject level then a new one will be created.


This step does not require Rave subject administration permission unlike Test Step a form exists.

When I assign {lab_type} lab "{lab_name}" to form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

When I assign Central lab "TG_LABS" to form "PREGNANCY" in folder "SCREENING"

This step assigns a Rave Central or Local Lab to a form. If the Lab Name contains a double quote character you should prefix it with a backslash: I assign Central lab "TG\"S LAB" to form "PREGNANCY" in folder "SCREENING"

When I cancel data entry


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I cancel data entry

This step clicks on the Form's 'Cancel' button.

When I create a subject

When I create a subject

Similar to Given a subject exists, this step will create a subject using the name of the Test Case and the date/time that the step was executed if that subject does not already exist. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I create a subject named "{subject_name}"

When I create a subject named "TEST1"

This step will create a subject with the specified name. If an active subject already exists with this name this step will fail. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I create a subject named "{subject_name}" at site "{study_site}"

When I create a subject named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

This step will create a subject with the specified name in the Site Number specified. If an active subject already exists with this name this step will fail. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I create or select the subject named "{subject_name}"

When I create or select the subject named "TEST1"

Will select an active subject with the given name, or if one does not exist will create it. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I create or select the subject named "{subject_name}" at site "{site}"

When I create or select the subject named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

Will select an active subject with the given name or if one does not exist will create a subject in the Site Number specified. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I enter and save data

When I enter and save data
  | DataPoint            | Value | Unit |
  | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Male  |      |
  | VISIT[2].VS.SYSBP[0] | 149   | mmHG |

Enter data for DataPoints in the current Subject. A Subject must have been created before this step can be performed or it will fail with an error.

This step will perform an overall Save action for each Form in the data table, see saving forms

The step requires a data table to follow it with columns for DataPoint and Value. An optional Unit column may also be provided if the Datapoints being entered make use of a UnitDictionary. The Unit values provided should be the User Data String values (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value). If the Unit Value is Fixed in Rave then it should not be provided.

Values for CheckBoxes should be 1 (Checked) or 0 (Unchecked). Values for Dates should be entered in the format DD MMM YYYY e.g. 02 JAN 2018 Values for Time should be entered in the format hh:mm:ss e.g. 14:23:01 Values for Datapoints with Data Dictionaries should use the User Data String (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value) Values may be entered which are non-conformant. e.g. for a Numeric field a value of "a" could be entered.


This step enters the data as if you had entered the data via the Rave interface. It submits empty values for all the other Datapoints on the page unless you enter values for them also. See When I enter only this data step for a version that does not enter these empty values.


This step will enter data into Datapoints which are active but not visible.


This step will wait up to 60 seconds for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than 60 seconds, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. If the Custom Function(s) cannot be optimized you can run the Test Case using the 'Continue on Failure' option.

When I enter and save data on active fields

When I enter and save data
  | DataPoint            | Value | Unit |
  | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Male  |      |
  | VISIT[2].VS.SYSBP[0] | 149   | mmHG |

This step is a variation of enter and save data.

Data will not be entered on Fields which are inactive or Fields which are on inactive Forms or on Fields which do not exist in the Draft.

When I enter and save data on active forms and fields

When I enter and save data
  | DataPoint            | Value | Unit |
  | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Male  |      |
  | VISIT[2].VS.SYSBP[0] | 149   | mmHG |

This step is a variation of enter and save data.

Data will not be entered on Fields which are inactive or Fields which are on inactive Forms or on Fields which do not exist in the Draft.

Before entering data, TrialGrid will check the subject in Rave and if the Form does not exist in the specified Folder then TrialGrid will not try to enter data onto that Form.

When I enter data

When I enter data
  | DataPoint            | Value | Unit |
  | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Male  |      |
  | VISIT[2].VS.SYSBP[0] | 149   | mmHG |

Enter data for DataPoints in the current Subject. A Subject must have been created before this step can be performed or it will fail with an error.

The step requires a data table to follow it with columns for DataPoint and Value. An optional Unit column may also be provided if the Datapoints being entered make use of a UnitDictionary. The Unit values provided should be the User Data String values (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value). If the Unit Value is Fixed in Rave then it should not be provided.

Values for CheckBoxes should be 1 (Checked) or 0 (Unchecked). Values for Dates should be entered in the format DD MMM YYYY e.g. 02 JAN 2018 Values for Time should be entered in the format hh:mm:ss e.g. 14:23:01 Values for Datapoints with Data Dictionaries should use the User Data String (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value) Values may be entered which are non-conformant. e.g. for a Numeric field a value of "a" could be entered. Values for Dynamic Search Lists can include valid, non-conformant and empty values. The DSL specific step "{datapoint}" <when_i_select_value_value_from_the_dynamic_search_list_on_datapoint>` can also be used, and will fail if the value is not in the DSL.


This step enters the data as if you had entered the data via the Rave interface. It submits empty values for all the other Datapoints on the page unless you enter values for them also, with the exception of Derived Fields, see saving forms and I enter and save data. See When I enter only this data step for a version that does not enter these empty values.


This step will enter data into Datapoints which are active but not visible.

When I enter data on the open form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Enter data into fields on the open form, without saving the form

When I enter no data

When I enter no data

A step which does nothing. This step exists to document that no data is being entered into Rave.

When I enter only this data

When I enter only this data
      | DataPoint             | Value       |
      | UNSCHEDULED.VS.DTC[0] | 01 Dec 2019 |

Enter data for only specific DataPoints in the current Subject. A Subject must have been created before this step can be performed or it will fail with an error.

The step requires a data table to follow it with columns for DataPoint and Value. An optional Unit column may also be provided if the Datapoints being entered make use of a UnitDictionary. The Unit values provided should be the User Data String values (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value). If the Unit Value is Fixed in Rave then it should not be provided.

Values for CheckBoxes should be 1 (Checked) or 0 (Unchecked). Values for Dates should be entered in the format DD MMM YYYY e.g. 02 JAN 2018 Values for Time should be entered in the format hh:mm:ss e.g. 14:23:01 Values for Datapoints with Data Dictionaries should use the User Data String (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value) Values may be entered which are non-conformant. e.g. for a Numeric field a value of "a" could be entered.


This step enters data only for the Datapoints referenced. This mimicks the behaviour of entering data via Rave Web Services as a data integration might. It does not enter empty values for other Datapoints on the same Form - which is what would happen if you were entering the data via Medidata Rave as a user. See the When I enter data step for a version which enters empty values just like a user.


This step will enter data into Datapoints which are active but not visible.

When I fail

When I fail

This is a special Step definition which can be used in a Given, When or Then step. It stops the execution of the test immediately with a failure message. It can be useful for debugging a test. A test with this step is valid but it will always fail.

When I inactivate all subjects


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

When I inactivate all subjects

This step will inactivate ALL existing subjects which are in the Project, Environment and Site Number selected for the Test Set Run.


This step cannot be run against a production Rave environment.

When I inactivate all subjects at site "{study_site}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

When I inactivate all subjects at site "LDN01"

This step will inactivate ALL existing subjects which are in the Project, Environment selected for the Test Set Run and the Site Number specified in the step.


This step cannot be run against a production Rave environment.

When I inactivate all subjects named "{subject_name}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

When I inactivate all subjects named "TEST1"

This step will inactivate any existing subjects with the given subject name which are in the Project, Environment and Site Number selected for the Test Set Run.

When I inactivate all subjects named "{subject_name}" at site "{study_site}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

When I inactivate all subjects named "TEST1" at site "LDN01"

This step will inactivate any existing subjects with the given subject name which are in the Project, Environment selected for the Test Set Run and the Site Number specified in the step.

When I inactivate form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"


This step requires a Medidata Rave Subject Admin user account

When I inactivate form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step will inactivate a Form.

When I inactivate record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

When I inactivate record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step will inactivate a Log Record. If the Log Record is already inactive then this step will fail.

When I log in with role "{role}"

When I log in with role "Data Manager"

Similar to the Given I am logged in with role "{role}" step but can be used in a Scenario where you want to set up a test using one user type and then change to another user type in order to check results. For example you might enter data using an Investigator or CRC user Role and then log in as a user with a Data Manager Role to check that a Query has been opened to the Data Manager. You would not be able to see that Query with an Investigator user since they do not have permissions on that Marking group.

When I open URL "{url}"

When I open URL ""

Opens the specified URL in the browser which is running the Test Case. The URL should start with a valid HTTP protocol, e.g. https:// or http://

When I open the primary form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Opens the primary form for a subject which has already been created

When I open the primary form to add a subject


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |
Opens the primary form. This step does not enter data on the primary form and does not actually

create a subject

When I refresh the form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I refresh the form

This step refreshes the Form by clicking on the 'Cancel' button.

When I save form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

When I save form "PREGNANCY" in folder "SCREENING"

This step ensures that a Form has been saved as it would be in Rave by clicking on the 'Save' button. If there are Edit Checks triggered by a 'NOW' Derivation they will not be triggered by other Enter Data test steps, so this step should be used to ensure that the expected actions on the page occur. The Form will be opened before saving.


This step will wait up to 60 seconds for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than 60 seconds, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. If the Custom Function(s) cannot be optimized you can run the Test Case using the 'Continue on Failure' option.

When I save the open form


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I save the open form

This step clicks on the Form's 'Save' button. The Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. The step will fail if not on an open Form which can be saved by the current user.


This step will wait for a default time for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use the I save the open form and wait step.

When I save the open form and wait up to {seconds} seconds


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I save the open form and wait up to 60 seconds

This step clicks on the Form's 'Save' button. The Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. The step will fail if not on an open Form which can be saved by the current user.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also I save the open form and wait step.

When I save the primary form and a subject is created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When save the primary form and a subject is created

This step clicks on the Primary Form's 'Save' button and checks that a subject has been created. The Primary Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. If a subject is not created this step will fail.


This step will wait for a default time for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use the I save the primary form and wait step.

When I save the primary form and a subject is not created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When save the primary form and a subject is not created

This step clicks on the Primary Form's 'Save' button and checks that a subject has not been created. The Primary Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. If a subject is created this step will fail. The step results will display any queries open on the form after saving.


This step will wait for a default time for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use the I save the primary form and wait step.

When I save the primary form and wait up to {seconds} seconds and a subject is created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I save the primary form and wait up to 60 seconds and a subject is created

This step clicks on the Form's 'Save' button. The Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. The step will fail if not on an open Form which can be saved by the current user.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also I save the primary form step.

When I save the primary form and wait up to {seconds} seconds and a subject is not created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I save the primary form and wait up to 60 seconds and a subject is not created

This step clicks on the Form's 'Save' button. The Form must be already open - this step will not open it before saving. The step will fail if not on an open Form which can be saved by the current user.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the form to be saved in Rave. If Rave takes longer than this, because of Custom Functions for example, this step will fail. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also I save the primary form step.

When I select the subject named "{subject_name}"

When I select the subject named "TEST1"

This step will find an active subject in Medidata Rave with the given name. Note that a warning will be logged if more than one existing subject with the specified name is found and the most recently created subject will be selected. The step will fail if no active subject exists in Rave with that name. All following actions such as entering data will occur in that Subject.

When I select value "{value}" from the Dynamic Search List on "{datapoint}"


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When I select value "ONE" from the Dynamic Search List on "SUBJECT.AE.AETERM[0]

Enter data by selecting a value from the Dynamic Search List. If the value does not exist in the DSL then this step will fail. Non-conformant DSL values which do not exist in the list can be entered with Enter Data steps. Values are case-insensitive, e.g. 'ONE' is the same as 'one'.

When I take screenshots with Rave EDC role "{edc_role}"


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I take screenshots with Rave EDC role "Data Manager"

This step will change the user role in Rave EDC. If a user account has multiple roles in Rave EDC then a specific role can be selected for taking screenshots.

If the user account has only one role, or the role is not important, then this step is not required.

This step is not required for testing against Rave Classic.

When I use a page size of {page_size} records

When I use a page size of 10 records

This is a special Step definition which can be used in a Given or When step. It sets the 'per page' setting on each page visited. This step should only be used when testing Rave EDC and is mainly for use in testing TrialGrid.

When I view Rave audit records for "{datapoint}"

When I view Rave audit records for "AE_FOLDER.AE.AETERM[1]"

This step displays the Rave audit records for a datapoint.

When I wait for field "{field}" to be not visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be not visible.


This step will wait for a default time for the field to be not visible in Rave. If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use this step.

When I wait for field "{field}" to be visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to become visible. .. note:: This step will wait for a default time for the field to be visible in Rave.

If you wish to wait for a longer, or shorter, period you can use this step.

When I wait up to {seconds} seconds for field "{field}" to be not visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be not visible.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the field to be not visible in Rave. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also this step step.

When I wait up to {seconds} seconds for field "{field}" to be visible


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

When I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Wait for a field to be visible.


This step will wait for the specified number of seconds for the field to be visible in Rave. The number of seconds can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used. See also this step step.

When I wait {seconds} seconds

When I wait 10 seconds

This step pauses execution of the step for the specified number of seconds, which can be between 0 and 3600 seconds. Integer or decimal values, such as 0.5, can be used.

When all folders and forms in matrix "{matrix}" exist


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

When all folders and forms in matrix "SCREENING" exist

This step ensures that all Folders/Forms in the matrix exist in the current subject. The matrix does not need to be addable.

Then steps

Then.. steps are used to verify actions which When.. steps have set in motion. For example, a Then.. step is typically used to check that an Edit Check has created (or not created) a Query based on data entry performed in a When.. step.

Then I fail

Then I fail

This is a special Step definition which can be used in a Given, When or Then step. It stops the execution of the test immediately with a failure message. It can be useful for debugging a test. A test with this step is valid but it will always fail.

Then I should not see a deviation on "{datapoint}" with code "{code}" and class "{class}" and message


This step requires version 9 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should not see a deviation "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]" with code "Finding" and class "Procedure deviation" and message
    COVID-19 pandemic related

This step checks that a protocol deviation does not exist on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should not see a folder "{folder}" with name "{folder_name}"

Then I should not see a folder "UNSCHED" with name "Unscheduled (1)"

This step tests for the absence of a Folder identified by a Folder OID with a set name. Useful for checking that SetFolderName actions have executed correctly.

Then I should not see a form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" with name "{form_name}"

Then I should not see a "SAE" form in folder "SAES" with name "SAE (1)"

This step checks that a Form identified by the Form OID provided exists in a Folder identified by a Folder OID but does not have the provided Form name

Then I should not see an answered query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see an answered query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that an answered query does not exist on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should not see an open query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see an open query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that an open query does not exist on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should not see field "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see field "SCREEN.DM.CHILDBEARING"

This step is the opposite of the Then I should see field "{datapoint}" step. It checks that a Field IS NOT visible on the Form. Useful for testing Edit Checks which use the SetFieldVisible check action

Then I should not see fields

Then I should not see fields
    | Field                  |

This step checks that the listed Fields DO NOT appear on the Form. It is the opposite of the Then I should see fields step.

Then I should not see form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

Then I should not see form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

The opposite of Then I should see form "{form}" in folder "{folder}", this step tests that a Form cannot be seen in this Folder by this user. It will fail if the Form can be seen and is active.

Then I should not see queries on "{datapoint}"

I should not see queries on "SCREEN.VISIT.VDATE[0]"

This step checks whether the Datapoint referenced has ANY queries and fails if it has any. It can be used where the text of the query to be checked is dynamic (e.g. set by a Custom Function). If any Queries are found on the Datapoint then the step fails and a list of the Query messages found is provided.

Then I should not see the following comment on "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see the following comment on "VISIT[1].VS.AE_YN"
    Record all Adverse Events in the Common Adverse Event Folder

The reverse of the Then I should see the following comment on "{datapoint}" step. This step checks that a comment DOES NOT exist on a DataPoint.

Then I should not see the following query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see the following query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

The reverse of Then I should see the following query on "{datapoint}"'. This step checks that an open query DOES NOT exist on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should not see the following query on "{datapoint}" for marking group "{marking_group}"


This step requires version 19 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should not see the following query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]" for marking group "Site"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify
This step checks that an open query does not exist on a particular Datapoint

for a specified Marking Group. The step will fail if there is the query is open for a different Marking Group but the test results will not display the name of the other Marking Group - this may be added in future.

Then I should not see the following sticky on "{datapoint}"

Then I should not see the following sticky on "BASELN.DM.PTEST[0]"
    Please remember to mail urine sample to the central testing facility.

The reverse of Then I should see the following sticky on "{datapoint}". This step checks that a sticky HAS NOT been placed on a Datapoint. The step will fail if the sticky is found on the Datapoint.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" does not have text

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" does not have text
The subject had
a serious

The opposite of the Then I should see "{datapoint}" has text step. This steps checks that the Datapoint referenced DOES NOT have the text provided. The text should be provided as a multi-line string. If multiple lines are not required then this step should be used Then I should see "{datapoint}" does not have value.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" does not have value "{value}"

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" does not have value "1"

The opposite of the Then I should see "{datapoint}" has value "{value}" step. This steps checks that the Datapoint referenced DOES NOT have the value provided. If the value is on multiple lines then this step should be used: Then I should see "{datapoint}" has text.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has data with format "{format}"

Then I should see "SUBJECT.RAND.CODE" has data with format "4"

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has data with the format provided and fails if it does not. The format should be a valid Rave field format. This step is useful to verify values which might vary between tests, for example a date or a randomization code.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has non-conformant text

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" has non-conformant text
The subject had
a serious

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has the text provided and fails if it does not, and checks that the value is non-conformant. The text should be provided as a multi-line string. If multiple lines are not required then this step should be used Then I should see "{datapoint}" has value.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has non-conformant value "{value}"

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" has non-conformant value "0"

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has the value provided and fails if it does not, and checks that the value is non-conformant.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has text

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" has text
The subject had
a serious

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has the text provided and fails if it does not. The text should be provided as a multi-line string. If multiple lines are not required then this step should be used Then I should see "{datapoint}" has value. If the value is non-conformant, this step will fail. To verify non-conformant values, use this step: Then I should see "{datapoint}" has non-conformant text.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has value ""

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" has value ""

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has an empty value and fails if it does not.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" has value "{value}"

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" has value "0"

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has the value provided and fails if it does not. If the value is non-conformant, this step will fail. To verify non-conformant values, use this step: Then I should see "{datapoint}" has non-conformant value. If the value is on multiple lines then this step should be used: Then I should see "{datapoint}" has text.

Then I should see "{datapoint}" is empty

Then I should see "SUBJECT.AE.SERIOUS" is empty

This step checks that the Datapoint referenced has an empty value and fails if it does not.

Then I should see Rave audits for "{datapoint_ref}"

Then I should see Rave audits for "AE.AE.AETERM[0]"
  | Audit                                                                                    | User                  |
  | User opened query 'Data entered is non-conformant.  Please correct.' (Site from System). | System                |
  | User entered  'X' (non-conformant).                                                      | CM 101 (1290 - CM101) |

Verifies that the Rave audit records for a DataPoint. This step will pass if there are whitespace or case differences in the Audit text, or if the expected audits exist in Rave but in a different order.

Then I should see a deviation on "{datapoint}" with code "{code}" and class "{class}" and message


This step requires version 9 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should see a deviation "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]" with code "Finding" and class "Procedure deviation" and message
    COVID-19 pandemic related

This step checks that a Protocol Deviation exists on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should see a folder "{folder}" with name "{folder_name}"

Then I should see a folder "UNSCHED" with name "Unscheduled (1)"

This step tests for the existence of a Folder with a set name. Useful for checking that SetFolderName actions have executed correctly.

Then I should see a form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" with name "{form_name}"

Then I should see a "SAE" form in folder "SAES" with name "SAE (1)"

This step checks that a Form exists in a Folder with the provided Form name

Then I should see an answered query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should see an answered query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that an answered query exists on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should see an open query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should see an open query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that an open query exists on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should see data

Then I should see data
    | DataPoint            | Value |
    | SCREEN.DM.SEX[0]     | Male  |
    | VISIT[2].VS.SYSBP[0] | 149   |

This step verifies that data has been entered into Rave. It can check multiple Forms in Rave in a single statement and will take a screenshot of each Rave web page as evidence.

Values for CheckBoxes should be 1 (Checked) or 0 (Unchecked). Values for Dates should be entered in the format DD MMM YYYY e.g. 02 JAN 2018 Values for Time should be entered in the format hh:mm:ss e.g. 14:23:01 Values for Datapoints with Data Dictionaries should use the User Data String (i.e. what the user sees, not the coded value) Values may be entered which are non-conformant. e.g. for a Numeric field a value of "a" could be entered.

If any data value is non-conformant, this step will fail.

Then I should see data statuses

Then I should see data statuses
  | DataPoint            | Status   |
  | BASELN.DM.HEIGHT[0]  | frozen   |
  | BASELN.VS.WEIGHT[0]  | frozen   |
  | BASELN.VS.SYSBP[0]   | locked   |

Verifies that the list of Datapoints referenced have the data status expected. Possible data statuses are:

  • locked

  • unlocked

  • frozen

  • unfrozen

  • verified

  • verificationrequired

  • nothingtoverify

Then I should see field "{datapoint}"

Then I should see field "SCREEN.DM.CHILDBEARING"

This step checks that a Field is visible on the Form. Useful for testing Edit Checks which use the SetFieldVisible check action. If you wish to check multiple Fields in a test then it may be better to use Then I should see fields to provided a table of Fields to check

Then I should see fields

Then I should see fields
        | Field                  |

This step checks that the listed Fields appear on the Form. It is useful when you hide or show a set of Fields via the Edit Check SetDatapointVisible Check Action or you hide/show Fields via a Custom Function.

Then I should see form "{form}" in folder "{folder}"

Then I should see form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]"

This step tests to see if a Form can be seen by this user in the current Subject. It will fail if the Form does not exist, or is inactive, or if the user cannot see it due to View restrictions.

Then I should see lab ranges


This step requires version 10 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should see lab ranges
  | DataPoint         | Range Status   | Range Low | Range High | Lab Numeric Value |
  | BASELN.LB.WBC[0]  | High           | 4000      | 11000      | 12000             |
  | BASELN.LB.RBC[0]  | Normal         | 4.5       | 5.9        | 4.6               |

Verifies that the list of Datapoints referenced have the lab ranges expected. The DataPoint column is required, other columns are optional.

Then I should see subject calendar

Then I should see subject calendar
    | Visit    | Date          |
    | V1       | 01 AUG 2018   |
    | UNS[1]   | 10 SEP 2018   |
    | UNS[2]   | 13 SEP 2018   |
    | V2       | 06 DEC 2018   |

This step checks the values of the Subject Calendar dates for Visits. Visits are identified by Folder OID and repeat number (optional). Dates are formatted DD MMM YYYY

Then I should see subject name is "{subject_name}"

Then I should see subject name is "LP901"

This step checks that the subject name matches the value provided. Useful for checking Edit Checks which use the SetSubjectName action

Then I should see subject name is not "{subject_name}"

Then I should see subject name is not "XR103"

The reverse of the Then I should see subject name is "{subject_name}" step. This step checks that the subject name DOES NOT match the value provided. Useful for checking Edit Checks which use the SetSubjectName action.

Then I should see subject status is "{subject_status}"

Then I should see subject status is "Randomized"

This step checks the Subject Status. Useful for testing Edit Checks which use the SetSubjectStatus Check Action. The Subject Status should match a value that can be set in the Core Configuration of the study you are testing.

Then I should see subject status is not "{subject_status}"

Then I should see subject status is not "Randomized"

The reverse of the Then I should see subject status is "{subject_status}" step. This step checks that the subject status DOES NOT match the value provided. Useful for checking Edit Checks which use the SetSubjectStatus action.

Then I should see that "{datapoint}" is conformant

Then I should see that "SUBJECT.AE.AE_NUM[0]" is conformant

This step checks that a Datapoint is conformant (has no non-conformance error message)

Then I should see that "{datapoint}" is non-conformant

Then I should see that "SUBJECT.AE.AE_NUM[0]" is non-conformant

This step checks that a Datapoint is marked as non conformant.

Then I should see that "{datapoint}" is not submitted

Then I should see that "SUBJECT.AE.AE_NUM[0]" is not submitted

This step checks that a Datapoint has not been submitted, i.e. there is not audit trail record in Rave

Then I should see that "{datapoint}" is submitted

Then I should see that "SUBJECT.AE.AE_NUM[0]" is submitted

This step checks that a Datapoint has been submitted, i.e. there is an audit trail record in Rave

Then I should see that a subject has been created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Then I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Check that a subject has been created

Then I should see that a subject has not been created


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.


This step will only run on Rave EDC URLs and will not run on Rave Classic URLs.

Then I am an example:
 | Col1 | Col2 | Col3            |
 | I    | An   | An Example      |
 | I    | Am   | Also an Example |

Check that a subject has not been created

Then I should see that record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" is active


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should see that record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]" is active
This step will verify that a record is active.

This step can be used with log or standard records.

Then I should see that record "{record_position}" in form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" is inactive


This step requires version 7 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should see that record "1" in form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]" is inactive
This step will verify that a record is inactive.

This step can be used with log or standard records.

Then I should see the following comment on "{datapoint}"

Then I should see the following comment on "VISIT[1].VS.AE_YN"
    Record all Adverse Events in the Common Adverse Event Folder

This step checks that a comment exists on a DataPoint.

Then I should see the following query on "{datapoint}"

Then I should see the following query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that an open query exists on a particular Datapoint.

Then I should see the following query on "{datapoint}" [multiple allowed]

Then I should see the following query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]" [multiple allowed]
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify
This step checks that a query exists on a particular Datapoint.

If the expected query is open more than once on the Datapoint, this will be noted in the results and the step will pass.

Then I should see the following query on "{datapoint}" for marking group "{marking_group}"


This step requires version 19 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then I should see the following query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]" for marking group "Site"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify
This step checks that an open query exists on a particular Datapoint

for a specified Marking Group. The step will fail if there is the query is open for a different Marking Group but the test results will not display the name of the other Marking Group - this may be added in future.

Then I should see the following sticky on "{datapoint}"

Then I should see the following sticky on "BASELN.DM.PTEST[0]"
    Please remember to mail urine sample to the central testing facility.

This step checks that a sticky has been placed on a Datapoint. The step will fail if the sticky cannot be found.

Then form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" should be active


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]" should be active

This step tests to see if a Form is active, even if the user cannot see it due to View restrictions. It will fail if the Form does not exist, or is inactive,

Then form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" should be inactive


This step requires version 21 or higher of the TG_UAT draft.

Then form "VISIT" in folder "UNSCHEDULED[1]" should be inactive

The opposite of form "{form}" in folder "{folder}" should be active. This step tests to see if a Form is inactive. It will fail if the Form does not exist, or is active,

Then the Dynamic Search List for "{datapoint}" should contain the following values

Then the Dynamic Search List for "SUBJECT.WD.AE" should contain the following values:
    | Value             | Code           |
    | Nausea            | 001            |
    | Rash              | 002            |
    | Migraine Headache | 003            |

This step checks the values available in a Dynamic Search List. Note that a screenshot will not be taken but the values will be verified and confirmed. The value and code of the DSL can be verified or the Code column can be omitted and only the values will be verified. Values will match even if there are differences in case and/or the value starts or end with whitespace characters.

Then the Dynamic Search List for "{datapoint}" should not contain the following values

Then the Dynamic Search List for "SUBJECT.WD.AE" should not contain the following values:
    | Value             | Code           |
    | Nausea            | 001            |
    | Rash              | 002            |
    | Migraine Headache | 003            |

This step checks that values are not in a Dynamic Search List. Note that a screenshot will not be taken but the absence of the values and associated codes will be verified and confirmed.

Then there should be a closed query on "{datapoint}"

Then there should be a closed query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that a closed query exists on a particular Datapoint.

Then there should not be a closed query on "{datapoint}"

Then there should not be a closed query on "SCREEN.VS.SYSBP[0]"
  Patients SYSBP is too high. Please clarify

This step checks that a closed query does not exist on a particular Datapoint.