Initial Setup for Automated Testing

Before you can use the Automated Testing module to enter data into Medidata Rave you will first need to perform some setup.

Medidata Rave URL Configuration

The Automated Testing Module does not require any changes to the study you wish to test but you will be required to set up a TG_UAT study in each Rave URL where you wish to enter data. This needs to be done once for each Medidata Rave URL on which Automated Tests will be run but once configured for a URL the following steps do not need to be repeated for new Projects.

  1. Request the TG_UAT study draft from TrialGrid.

  2. Create a project in your Rave URL called "TG_UAT" (see note below)

  3. Import the TG_UAT study draft into the URL

  4. Create a TG_UAT site in your Rave URL (Site Name = TG_UAT, Site Number = TG_UAT) (see note below)

  5. Link the TG_UAT site with the TG_UAT study

  6. Publish and Push the TG_UAT study to the TG_UAT site

  7. Assign user accounts to the TG_UAT study and TG_UAT site in the DEV environment with a role which has data entry permission (see important note)

  8. Login to Rave and create a subject in the TG_UAT study in the DEV environment. Enter the name of the subject as "TG_UAT" (see note below)


The project name, site number, environment and subject name can be different from those in the steps above, but if they are different then the chosen names must be entered in the Project Configuration, see Project Test Configuration.

Your Rave URL is now set up ready to use Automated Testing.

Rave Classic accounts are required to run Test Cases because TrialGrid uses Rave Web Services to enter data and Rave Web Services does not support iMedidata user accounts.

Rave Classic accounts will be required for each EDC Role used in Test Cases (for example 'Investigator') and a Rave Classic account with Rave Subject Administration permission will be required to execute some Test Steps.


All Rave Classic user accounts used for Automated Testing must have permission to enter data in the TG_UAT study and site.


TG_UAT draft versions 4, 5 and 6 are no longer supported.

Project Configuration

Each Project has a configuration for Automated Tests and the Test Case Advisor. The configuration settings will have default values which can be modified, see Project Test Configuration.