Custom Objects

As well as standard Draft objects such as Forms and Folders it is also possible to define custom object types.

Custom objects can have the following attributes set:

  1. Name - The name of the custom object, e.g. "Report Specification" it can be up to 100 characters.

  2. Plural Name - The plural name for more than one of the custom object, e.g. "Report Specifications".

  3. Icon - An identifier for an icon taken from the FontAwesome 4.7 icon list)

  4. Display Order - Controls the order that custom objects are shown at the draft level

  5. Description - A description of the object. Use this to document the intended use for objects of this type.

Custom Object names and plural-names must be unique in a URL and cannot use any of the standard object names "Form", "Edit Check", "Matrix", "Test Case" etc.