Custom Objects
As well as standard Draft objects such as Forms and Folders it is also possible to define custom object types.
Custom objects can have the following attributes set:
Name - The name of the custom object, e.g. "Report Specification" it can be up to 100 characters.
Plural Name - The plural name for more than one of the custom object, e.g. "Report Specifications".
Icon - An identifier for an icon taken from the FontAwesome 4.7 icon list)
Display Order - Controls the order that custom objects are shown at the draft level
Identifier Separator - When an instance of a custom object is made, it will be given an identifier (a name) based on the set of custom properties which contribute to the identifier. This setting determines how multiple values are concatenated to create that identifier. If the values are name and version you could have an identifier of "MyName | MyVersion" if the separator is " | " and "MyName/MyVersion" if the separator is "/".
Description - A description of the object. Use this to document the intended use for objects of this type.
Custom Object names and plural-names must be unique in a URL and cannot use any of the standard object names "Form", "Edit Check", "Matrix", "Test Case" etc.