Custom Properties (Metadata)

Custom Properties are custom fields which can be associated with:

Custom Properties can be used to capture metadata associated with these Objects.

When a Custom Property is defined in a URL for an Object, that Custom Property becomes available to all objects of that type in that URL. For example, if a Custom Property of "Version" is added for Fields in the URL then all Field objects will have a Version Custom Property which can be edited in the Form editor.

Custom Properties can be of type:

  1. Text - Free text up to 8,000 characters

  2. Choice - a set of choices from which to pick a value is available for the Choice type field

The Display Order attribute controls the order in which Custom Properties are displayed and edited. Properties may have the same Display Order but in that case the exact order they appear in is undefined. Display order values may be negative.

The Display as HTML attribute can only be set for properties with a Text type. When checked, custom property values which contain HTML tags are rendered in listings and in property sheet cells rather than being escaped. They may contain any HTML element but only the following elements are rendered, all others are removed before rendering (but remain in the original source): b, i, u, li, sup, br, ol, ul, font, small, h1, h2, h3, h4, p, a, sub, em, table, thead, tbody, tr, td, th.

Note that properties which have this option set cannot contain script tags and are sanitized to remove html content which poses a security risk to the TrialGrid and its users.

The Show in Lists attribute controls whether the Custom Property is shown in object lists. This allows Form and Field Custom Properties to be displayed alongside other attributes of those objects such as Name and OID.

The Reserved for Actions attribute controls whether users are allowed to edit Custom Property values directly. When an attribute is set Reserved for Actions, only Actions can change these values and they appear read-only to users with a icon.

The Include in Compliance Calculations attribute controls whether the values of this Custom Property are used in compliance calculations. It is common to have custom attributes in library objects for usage instructions, standards number identifiers etc which you would not expect to appear in a study draft object. This option can be used to exclude custom properties so that an object is not flagged as non-compliant because it does not have one of these properties set the same as the library object.

Custom Property values related to Drafts and Draft objects are exported from TrialGrid in the Architect Loader Spreadsheet in an TG_<objectname>Properties sheet (e.g. TG_FieldProperties) and can also be imported into Drafts in TrialGrid where the Architect Loader Spreadsheet has those worksheets.


The TrialGrid Architect Loader Spreadsheet upload process will not import properties for Draft Objects where the URL does not have a property of that name defined. For example, if the Architect Loader Spreadsheet contains a PropertyName of "DOMAIN" for Fields then these properties will only be imported if "DOMAIN" is defined as a property in the TrialGrid URL. If there is no property of that name the property value will be ignored with a warning during the Architect Loader Spreadsheet upload.


Medidata Rave cannot import Custom Property sheets, it ignores these worksheets in any Architect Loader Spreadsheet uploaded into Architect.