Folder List

A Draft has an associated list of Folders which can be accessed from the Draft Objects table on the Draft home page.

The Folders list can be filtered by a text search.

Reordering Folders

The order of Folders can be changed by:

  • selecting a row in the Ordinal column and dragging it to a new location, or,

  • selecting multiple rows and using the 'up' and 'down' buttons to move them to a new location. Multiple rows can be selected by clicking one row, holding the Shift key and clicking the last row to be moved, or by clicking one row, holding the Control (on Windows) or Command (Mac) key and selecting more rows to be moved. Holding down the 'up' or 'down' buttons will continue the move process until the beginning or end of the list is reached.

Editing Folders

A Folder may be edited by clicking the Edit button for the Folder in the list.

Deleting Folders

A Folder may be deleted by clicking the Delete (Trashcan) icon for the Folder in the list.

Creating a New Folder

A new Folder can be created by clicking the "New Folder" button from this page.

Selecting columns to display

The columns displayed in the list of folders can be selected using the 'Column Visibility' button.

Printing the list of Folders

The list of folders can be printed by clicking the 'Print' button.

Copying the list of Folders

The list of folders can be copied by clicking the 'Copy' button.

Exporting the list of Folders

The list of folders can be exported to a csv, Excel or pdf file by clicking the 'Export to file' button and selecting the file format.